Showing posts with label ooh India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ooh India. Show all posts

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Factors Set to Affect Outdoor Advertising in India in the Financial Year 2016-17

As the financial year for 2015-16 draws to an end, let us analyze the Outdoor Advertising trends which are most likely to be carried forward to the next term and the factors which will affect the media the highest. One of the disappointments of the present year 2015-16 was that good starts in brand spending could not be sustained at the expected levels. This write-up analyses the primary factors affecting Outdoor Advertising in India, with an aim of planning for high performance of the media in 2016-17.

Another attribute of OOH India is that without corresponding growth in the other sectors, the brands will be reluctant to spend on advertising. In this regard, “Make in India” seems promising and the Outdoor Advertising in India is ready to bask in its success.

OOH India is also looking at partnerships and expansions in order to boost advertising growth. Thus, Outdoor Media Services in India is looking at expansions through agencies and new acquisitions which would aid the maximization of profits in spite of low margins.

Media in large formats is expected to continue to stay in focus as the brands are likely to continue aiming for high impact to tackle competition. An increase in service tax won’t be helping the profit margins. Hence the Outdoor Media Service Agencies in India will seek an increase in sales. Thus, focus on large media formats and an increase in sales will be the key areas of influence in the financial year 2016-17.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Start Booking Sites at the Airports as the Tourist Season Starts

Airport Advertising in India sees a remarkable increase in activity after September 15 every year. This is primarily because the tourist season in the country begins in this period, which sees a subsequent increase in the traffic at the airports. It has been established in the marketing world that the tourists, in their happy state of mind, are some of the best target audiences. Add to that, the cream of audiences separated by the airports, and you have a marketing opportunity which cannot be missed.

Airport Advertising

The tourist season sees a huge inflow of tourists at both domestic and international levels. This brings prominent visibility both inside the country and abroad. Airport Advertising in India during this period has been used as a successful vehicle for excellent global branding campaigns.

Another reason, which makes the tourist season an important period for marketing, is that it also marks the beginning of the festivals season in India. The festivals in India always boast the sales and hence brands go all out on promotional activities. Being present at the airports during this time attracts the audiences with buying power, right at the doorstep. This combination, of an ideal time, location and audiences, creates a rush for the sites at the airports in India.

TDI Airport Advertising

Make sure you book the Airport Advertising sites in advance so as to not miss out on the huge opportunities which this time of the year presents. You can also use the airport advertising medium to start your OOH campaign and continue chasing your target audiences at places nearer to the point of sales. 

Friday, 4 September 2015

Top 3 Platforms of Outdoor Advertising in India

Outdoor Advertising
OOH Advertising

Advertising has become a vital part of the marketing plan for businesses of all sizes. One of the best media to reach the masses in India is the Outdoor Advertising or OOH in India. The OOH medium is one of the vastest media for promotional activities in India. This article mentions the top 3 platforms of OOH India.


Airport Advertising has been the king of OOH in India. No other media has the distinction of presenting your brand to the cream of the audiences like the airports do. It has been the top favorite of brands in the category of options provided by OOH. Advertising sites at the airports can be used to effectively target both international and domestic audiences. Since the airports are the gateways to the cities, branding campaigns at the airports are often the first things which the airport audiences see.

Metro Transit Stations

The stations of the metro transit systems are the next in line to share the limelight of the top locations in India where you can place your brand. It is especially very useful in mapping large cities like Delhi and the National Capital Region (NCR). The focus on connectivity ensures that every part of the area can be covered. While the airports are popular for filtering the cream of the audiences, the metro media takes its credit in its reach.

Outdoor Locations

There is a still a large section, of the audiences in India, which is not a frequent user of any of the above 2 platforms. OOH Advertising in India provides the options of other outdoor sites at strategic locations like market places, malls, roadsides, etc.

The above 3 OOH media are the best platforms in Outdoor Advertising India as they cover all the essential elements requirement for outstanding OOH campaigns. All 3 of them are preferred by brands as their first choice for promotional activities.         

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Using Suspense in OOH Campaigns.

OOH Advertising or Outdoor Advertising ad copies have traditionally been brief and very straightforward. An outdoor audience has always been considered an audience on the go and messages aimed at them often require brevity and simplicity. However, in recent times, indirect messages have also been brilliantly used to get the message across. An OOH creative, with an indirect message, always commands more time of engagement from the audiences.

OOH, OOH Advertising, OOH Advertising Delhi
OOH Advertising

The suspense, which is inherent in such Outdoor Campaigns, is created by delaying the punch line if a Digitized OOH Hoarding is available. In cases where digital technology is not available, the suspense can be created with riddled ad copies and graphics. And herein, lies the catch. One of the reasons, why indirect ad copies are not seen more regularly, is that such campaigns are not easy to pull off. If the indirectness becomes too confusing, you may end up with an ad which is not understood and hence ignored. There’s even a worse scenario where it is misunderstood and creates some kind of controversy. Hiring an experienced Outdoor Advertising Agency for running such campaigns is a smart move as they are best resourced to accurately predict the reaction of the audiences to the planned campaign.

Digitized OOH Hoardings offer an unlimited canvas to conceptualize and an easier method of execution. However, the traditional hoardings too can be utilized to create equally intriguing results. In most countries of world, where digitization of OOH has happened long back, the media has shed its straightforward cloak and it experiments with complicated plots and ideas. Countries like India are at the brink of such digitization and OOH India is expecting this transformation to happen as early as possible.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Political Parties Use Extensive Brushes on OOH for Delhi Elections 2015.

outdoor Advertising
As Delhi prepares for assembly elections on February 7, 2015, OOH India is being used as one of the top platforms of promotions by the political parties. The trend, which took an energetic turn during the Parliament elections during April-May 2014, strengthened itself during the Delhi elections as we saw increased spending by the contesting parties.

Outdoor AdvertisingDelhi Assembly Elections 2015 saw OOH or Outdoor Advertising and FM radio as the two primary platforms for reaching the voters. While radio provided opportunities of dual between the leaders, OOH presented the opportunity of painting the boards with previous achievements and future promises. Another key strength, of OOH in this regard, is the platform’s ability at location based targeting. The OOH Sites at the various constituencies of the Delhi assembly are being used by the respective candidates to lure the residents. Delhi Assembly Election Campaigns have taken a leaf out of the General elections which saw the wonderful affects of advertising on the outdoor medium.

outdoor advertising in indiaThe Outdoor Hoardings, where political campaigns are being executed, are also playing their part in bringing alive the election mood in the capital of the country. It is currently hard to turn a corner in Delhi without coming face to face with a candidate’s face smiling at you from an OOH Site. Outdoor Advertising Agencies in Delhi have reported an increase in spending by the political parties. This increase is in comparison to the political spending done during the General Elections of last year. As loud rallies seem to have taken a back seat this time, the Hoardings continue to paint Delhi with the colors of the election.