
Saturday, 21 March 2015

Why Do Brands Prefer the TDI for Airport Advertising?

Airport Advertising is considered the king of OOH (Out-of-Home) Advertising in India. Among the numerous airports in India where branding is available, the 9 airports, where TDI has exclusive advertising rights, have always stood out. We will hereby analyze the reasons why TDI has enjoyed the patronage of top brands for close to 3 decades.

The Most Experienced Airport Advertising Agency

TDI is the agency which began Airport Advertising in India. When it won the AAI (Airport Authority of India) Airport Advertising tender back in 1987, it pioneered a medium which has ruled OOH in India ever since. This means that TDI has close to 3 decades of experience in handling the top medium in OOH India. This experience level enables TDI to carry out Airport Advertising Campaigns in the smoothest and fastest manner. TDI’s ability, to sustain its high performance in the implementation and maintenance of campaigns, allows the brands to place its trust on the company.

Advertising India
Airport Advertising Agency in India

Innovating Constantly

Apart from the vast experience, TDI is also credited with the top trendsetting campaigns in Airport Advertising. TDI was the first to start Airport Advertising in India, develop printed display in India, create Tri-vision display in India, create Outdoor Interactive Kiosk in India, provide Audio- visual (digital) options in India, make 360 degree Tri-vision displays in India, and put the country’s first live car on a billboard. This tendency, of rolling out innovating campaigns, has kept TDI at the top of Airport Advertising in India throughout these years.

Among the many advantages unique to Advertising at the TDI Airports, the above 2 are the most prominent. The brands, which are already patrons of TDI Airport Advertising, are happy references to the above benefits of associating with TDI.


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